The Investor 1031 LifeCycle
Are you ready to convert your high maintenance, headache-ridden properties into Passive Real Estate Wealth?

NNN Riches as a resource
Use Joel Owens new book as a great resource to learn this triple-net industry. Including many helpful tips and nuances of the world of commercial real estate ownership, this book will help answer many questions.
Challenge your mind
If you have not yet invested in a NNN lease with commercial property, take some time to learn using our FAQ page or online articles. Investors are typcially pleasantly surprised by the passivity of this income.
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Own NNN directly
Using a 1031 exchange, take time intensive / headache ridden properties and convert your cashflow to entirely passive. That mailbox check will be that much sweeter if you didn’t have tenancy headaches.

trust nnn invest
Keys to a Successful 1031 Exchange
Early on, while you are waiting on the sale of your property to close, you should be working on selecting a 1031 Exchange company.
Plan in Advance
It is imperative to have the proper process and timing in place to have a successful 1031 Exchange. If you celebrate your sale and fail to locate a property in a timely manner, you may end up scrambling to find something and end up with a bad property.
Focus on a single Asset Class
If a buyer is looking at everything, then they are typically committed to NOTHING. Sellers do not want to entertain offers from such buyers that are unfocused and have no idea what they want.
Speak to Joel about a 1031 Exchange
With Over 20 years of experience, Joel is your trusted source to complete a 1031 Exchange.