Investors often think of STNL as generally passive but do not have as clear of an understanding to the types of lease structures available and what that means. Here are the various types of leases you might come across when searching for a NNN STNL property. Absolute...
When it comes to the world of smart investing, there are a few things that we need to first discover. To start this discovery, let’s first ask the following questions: Are your current investments creating you headaches because they are so much work and energy...
Triple net (NNN) investing is a type of commercial real estate investment strategy that involves owning and leasing properties under a specific type of lease arrangement known as a triple net lease. In a triple net lease, the tenant is responsible for paying not only...
Triple-net investing is a low-risk commercial property net lease where you as the investor can benefit in multiple ways. A triple-net lease (NNN) can reduce day-to-day involvement and headaches, as opposed to multi-family where collection of rent is often cumbersome,...
Featuring the book, NNN Riches | Part 1 What is NNN?NNN, or ‘Triple-Net’ is typically a commercial property lease. The NNN stands for “net, net, net”. ‘Absolute NNN’ is where recurring costs such as, taxes, insurance and maintenance, are the responsibility of the...